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professional work

01. Real estate administration

이미지 제공: Alexandre Trouvé

Developer Group
Administrative office JUNG EUI :JUSTICE

1. Definition of Administrative Office (abbreviated as Jeongjeong Administrative Office)

2. Justice Construction & Real Estate Development (construction industry, implementation consulting)

3. National construction information (

JUNG EUI :JUSTICE Developer Group

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Real Estate Development License Specialized Certification Department

We reward you with success stories.

Licensing, construction, consulting, and government land rental services

Largest group in real estate development administration

-Definition of administrative office

-Jeongui Construction & Jeongui Real Estate Development

(Multiple companies signed MoU, including cooperative design and general construction)


1. Jeongjeong real estate development operation

2. Performed land development advisory service for Korea Expressway Corporation

3. Representation and agency work related to real estate development licensing for large corporations

4. Perform licensed development of large-scale lodging complex

5. Customized licensing consulting for real estate developers

Administrative Office JUNG EUI :JUSTICE Real Estate Development Service

1. Administrative representation for real estate development licensing, registration, approval, etc.

Real estate development agency, real estate development agency


2. Administrative representation for land development permits, registration, approval, etc.

Land development agency, land development agency


3. Construction through cooperative design and construction companies


4. Distribution of state and public lands


5. Real estate development consulting

6. Approval for real estate-related business


7. Tourism development licensing, registration, and approval agency agency
(Hostel, hotel, tourist farm, campsite, lodging industry)

​-Experience in large-scale hotel licensing, registration, and hostel complex licensing



Administrative office specializing in land development consulting and real estate development consulting JUNG EUI :JUSTICE & JUNG EUI :JUSTICE Real Estate Development

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National property (state-owned land, public land)

Purchase of national property

- Government land sale purchase purchase agency, agency

- Public land sale purchase purchase agency, agency

- Agency and representation for purchase of abandoned river sites

- Agency and representation for purchase of abandoned roads

- Purchasing and representation of discarded old houses

- Korea Asset Management Corporation and various government ministries

Abolition of administrative property use

- Agency and representation for abolition of administrative property use

Permission to use national property loans

- Permission to lend and use national property (state-owned land, public land)

agricultural garden
land mining

land development

- Road opening permit agency and agency

- Road occupancy permit and river occupancy permit agency and agency

- Agency and agency for permission to open a public private sector

- Consulting to escape from blind land, administrative advice

- Land division agency and agency/land merger, etc. cadastral work

- Public waters reclamation license

- Agricultural land conversion permitting and representation

- Permission and representation for production site conversion

- Earth and stone extraction permit agency and agency

- Agency and representation for cancellation of conservation mountain area designation

- Agricultural promotion zone change agency and representation

- Proposal to apply for change of land use

- Land designation change/development activity permission

- Soil extraction permit, soil extraction

-Land development agency, land development permit agency

-Land development consulting


real estate development

- Tourist farm registration permit agency and agency

- Creation of a housing complex

- Country house

- Various pensions, bed and breakfasts, and lodging business licenses

- Tourist hotel, hostel, pension business, tourist lodging business, campsite (camping site)

- Establishment and approval of factory complex and knowledge industry center

- Real estate development agency, real estate development licensing agency, real estate development consulting

- One-stop real estate development licensing advisory consulting for developers


Tourism real estate development (pension, hotel)

- Pension licensing agency and agency

- Agency for registration and approval of rural guesthouses and pensions

- Accommodation license, lodging business registration, permit agency and agency

- Tourist hotel licensing, registration, agency and representation

- Camping site (camping site) licensing, registration, agency and agency

- Tourism and lodging business licensing, registration, agency and agency

- Tourism and resort complex licensing, registration, agency and representation

- Hostel licensing, registration, agency and agency

- Hanok pension licensing, registration, agency and representation

- Foreign tourist city lodging business (Airbnb, etc.) licensing, registration, agency and representation

Performed licensing for large-scale lodging complexes

- Family hotel license

stack of files

Real estate civil service license

Change display

Provision of various real estate-related licenses

Real estate fines and fines

- Explanation of fines for violation of real estate transaction reporting obligations (actual transaction reporting) and submission of opinions

Fine reduction

​- Reduction of fines for private rental business operators and agency for submission of cancellation opinions

Change of use, building permit

National Construction Information Design House Construction-001.png

Construction industry (registration, M&A)

- Professional construction business registration agency and representation

- Comprehensive construction business registration agency and representation

- Construction M&A transfer and acquisition consulting


real estate administration

Real estate development license, agency and agency specialty certificate

Hyunsoo Yeom, Chief Executive Officer

-Real estate administration, licensing expertise, and government affairs

- Acquired specialized real estate development permit from the Administrative Society of Korea

Current) Senior Researcher, Korea Land Compensation Law Society

Previous) Worked at a large appraisal firm

​-Jeongui Real Estate Development, National Construction Information Representative

Definition of real estate development expert group administrative office

- Definition of administrative office

- National construction information (

- Justice Construction

Land development permit

land development

​Licensing agent

Real estate licensing specialist

Purchase of government-owned land

Agency for purchasing state-owned property

Korea’s first government-owned land purchase

Authoritative Interpretation Administrative Office


Government affairs work

construction industry work

Construction business license registration

Construction M&A

​Transfer and take over of licenses

Real estate development consulting

Real estate development permit


​Administrative legal advice

real estate development

1. 토지 분야

  산지전용 허가, 농지전용 허가,

  개발행위허가, 토지분할, 토지 합필, 토석채취허가

  도로개설허가, 사도 개설, 맹지 탈출, 도로연결

  하천점용허가, 농업생산기반시설 등록 및 폐지,

  폐천 부지 활용, 공유수면 매립, 공유지, 국유지,

  농촌개발, 산지 개발, 폐도 폐천 매입 불하

  대행 및 대리 (토지개발 컨설팅, 토지개발 인허가)



2.부동산 인허가
  관광 숙박업 허가, 관광 휴양 단지 허가 등록

  관광호텔 등록 허가, 펜션 인허가, 민박 인허가,

  관광농원 인허가, 주택단지 조성, 토석채취 허가,

  농어촌 민박 펜션, 외국인관광 도시민박업,

  호스텔 인허가,호텔 승인, 등록, 허가, 대행 및 대리

  (부동산 개발 컨설팅, 부동산 개발 인허가)


* 국유재산 등 관련 대관업무 

Specialty Certification

national property

- Representation in the abolition of state and public land use
- Representation in loan contracts for state-owned and public lands
- Representation of claims for purchase of state-owned and public land

*Many successful cases and many authoritative interpretations by Korea Asset Management Corporation and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security

​*Purchase of abandoned roads in abandoned stream, purchase of abandoned old houses.
*Caution: If you are not an administrative lawyer, if you represent the Korea Asset Management Corporation and public land for purchase or use abolition procedures, you will be subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won for violation of the Administrative Judicial Act.

Specialty Certification
행정사사무소 정의 소개 5.png

일반재산의 매각  



일반재산은 다음 중 어느 하나에 해당하는 경우 외에는 매각할 수 있습니다(「국유재산법」 제48조제1항 및 「국유재산법 시행령」 제52조제1항).

 중앙관서의 장이 행정목적으로 사용하기 위하여 그 재산에 대하여 행정재산의 사용 승인이나 관리전환을 신청한 경우

 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」 등 다른 법률에 따라 그 처분이 제한되는 경우

 장래 행정목적의 필요성 등을 고려하여 「국유재산법」 제9조제4항제3호의 처분기준에서 정한 처분제한 대상에 해당하는 경우

 「국유재산법」 제57조에 따른 개발이 필요한 재산

 장래의 행정수요에 대비하기 위하여 비축할 필요가 있는 재산

 사실상 또는 소송상 분쟁이 진행 중이거나 예상되는 등의 사유로 매각을 제한할 필요가 있는 재산

용도를 지정하여 매각한 경우  


 일반재산을 매각하는 경우에는 매수자에게 그 재산의 용도와 그 용도에 사용해야 할 기간을 정해 매각할 수 있습니다.

 용도가 지정된 일반재산을 매수한 자는 그 재산의 매수일부터 10년 이상 지정된 용도로 활용해야 합니다.

 기획재정부장관(이하 “총괄청”이라 함)은 필요하다고 인정하는 경우에는 용도를 지정해 매각한 재산의 관리상황에 관해 보고를 받거나 자료의 제출을 요구할 수 있고, 소속 공무원에게 그 관리상황을 감사하게 하거나 그 밖에 필요한 조치를 할 수 있습니다(「국유재산법 시행령」 제53조제2항).

 용도를 지정해 매각하는 경우에는 매수자가 지정된 날짜가 지나도 그 용도에 사용하지 않거나 지정된 용도에 제공한 후 지정된 기간이 지나기 전에 그 용도를 폐지한 경우에는 해당 매매계약을 해제한다는 내용의 특약등기를 해야 합니다(「국유재산법」 제49조, 제52조제3호 및 「국유재산법 시행령」 제53조제3항).

행정사의 국유재산 대리

: 행정사는 행정사법 제2조에 따라 국유재산 용도폐지 및 매수신청 대리 업무를 할 수 있습니다.

​행정사가 아닌자가 국유재산 업무를 업으로 하는 경우 행정사법에 따라 3년이하의 징역이나 3천만원이하의 벌금에 해당합니다.

3. Land compensation (formerly worked at a large appraisal company)

- Acceptance decision
- Fact investigation
- Appeal
- Obstacle investigation

4. Fines (highest amount in reduction cases: billions of won)

- Rental business fine explanation, opinion submission form
- Explanation of fines for violation of real estate transaction reporting obligations, opinion submission form
* Nationwide success stories and information disclosure requests in the metropolitan area

5. Construction industry (Representative of National Construction Information

- Specialized construction business, general construction business registration and licensing agency
- Construction M&A

- Customized advice for the construction industry (additional points for bidding, women's enterprises, disabled enterprises, etc.)

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